Homestead Training Center
Learn how to use your shotgun efficiently and effectively.
For available times, please check Google Calendar below.
Homestead Training Center, 11700 SW 304th St, Homestead, FL 33033, USA.
This Defensive Tactical Shotgun Training Class is designed to impart the knowledge and skill set necessary to use a shotgun for purposes of self defense in situations where lethal force is necessary to protect the lives of your family and yourself. This shotgun training class begins with safety and weapon familiarization. Gun safety is ALWAYS a priority. A well maintained gun is a safe gun, and thus you will learn proper maintenance and care of your weapon. WATCH as these, Miami, Broward, West Palm Beach, Boca Raton, and Palm Beach County students practice shooting, moving, loading and unloading their shotguns in both stressful and non-stressful situations.
*Instructors are former Special Forces team Sergeant, Current DHS firearms instructor, and other LEO Certified Instructors.
We are one of the top-tier firearms training academies in United States. People travel in from around the world to train with us. contact us today. We look forward to teaching you!
If you knew you were going to be involved in a gun fight, would you go into it unprepared? Of course you wouldn’t. You would seek out the best techniques and learn them. You would then practice, just like an athlete going into the big game. Except this is not a game, this is life or death.
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