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  • Stephen Cohen was commissioned by the Maryland Police & Corrections Training Commission in 1993.
  • He was a uniformed Patrol Officer, and during that time he worked high crime areas with a primary focus on felony arrests relating to crimes against both people and property.
  • Stephen was also served as a plain clothes detective, conducting investigations and warrant service with various federal agencies. Most of the services he provided while conducting investigations were related to felony crimes against a person cases.
  • In his career, he also has provided executive protection for high profile politicians, celebrities, businessmen and athletes.
  • He has worked as a security consultant and contractor for international companies, fortune 500 companies, American and foreign Police and military special operations divisions.
  • Stephen is a Law Enforcement Certified Firearms Instructor in the following disciplines; handgun, shotgun, patrol rifle, precision scoped rifle, force on force RBT, as well as being a tactical shooting instructor.
  • Total, he has spent 32 years in Law Enforcement Training, Tactics and Experience.
  • Currently Stephen mostly spends much of his time training and consulting private companies, civilians, police, and  military organizations here in the USA and abroad.


  • Baltimore Police Department, (Baltimore, Maryland)
  • StreetCrimes Investigator Training
  • Narcotics Training
  • Surveillance Training
  • Court Testimony Training
  • Expert Witness Training
  • Robbery Suppression Training
  • Regional Auto Theft Task Force Certified
  • First Responder [CPR]
  • SWAT Certified / Quick Response Active Shooter Techniques and Development Training
  • Room Clearing and CQB Tactics
  • Arrest Techniques / Handcuffing Certified
  • Pepper Spray & Baton Certified
  • Executive Protection Certified
  • Perimeter & Installation Security Certified
  • Evasive and Defense Driving Certified
  • Hand to Hand Combat / Various Styles Training

We are one of the top-tier firearms training academies in United States. People travel in from around the world to train with us. contact us today. We look forward to teaching you!

Your Journey Starts Here

If you knew you were going to be involved in a gun fight, would you go into it unprepared? Of course you wouldn’t. You would seek out the best techniques and learn them. You would then practice, just like an athlete going into the big game. Except this is not a game, this is life or death.