The Tactical Pistol Vehicle Defense Course was designed to build on the developing shooters execution of the fundamentals and safety rules in an environment outside the classic square range. This tactical training courses for civilians are meant to give them a fundamental taste, as well on build on their skills of close quarters tactical shooting from a vehicle.
During the Tactical Pistol Vehicle Defense Class students will learn to develop tactics and techniques to successfully fight or defend themselves in, out, or around a vehicle.
The tactics, techniques, and procedures covered during this course will give the developing shooter the knowledge and skills to react to any situation that might occur while in and around a vehicle. Our firearm skill development courses, including phase one and phase two of the Defensive Pistol Vehicle Operations Course, are extremely beneficial increasing ones self-defense skills.
We are one of the highest graded company in United State. For any Kind of help please contact our 24/7 hotline call services. we are ready for you
If you knew you were going to be involved in a gun fight, would you go into it unprepared? Of course you wouldn’t. You would seek out the best techniques and learn them. You would then practice, just like an athlete going into the big game. Except this is not a game, this is life or death.
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