For available times, please check Google Calendar below.
Homestead Training Center, 11700 SW 304th St, Homestead, FL 33033, USA
This class begins with a review of the core fundamentals of tactical handgun marksmanship. Next, this phase II course progresses to real-world gunfighting skills, as well as the integration of defensive pistol and hand-to-hand combat skills. We will push the envelope while safely taking this square range, live-fire pistol training, to the next level. This class is designed for the intermediate and advanced shooter. This dynamic class surpasses the traditional handgun curriculum commonly taught and focuses on the use of a handgun in aggressive close range applications that are most likely to be encountered on the street. This class material is full of real-world applications that are mostly ignored in other tactical training programs and courses.
*Instructors are former Special Forces team Sergeant, Current DHS firearms instructor, and other LEO Certified Instructors.
We are one of the highest graded company in United State. For any Kind of help please contact our 24/7 hotline call services. we are ready for you
If you knew you were going to be involved in a gun fight, would you go into it unprepared? Of course you wouldn’t. You would seek out the best techniques and learn them. You would then practice, just like an athlete going into the big game. Except this is not a game, this is life or death.
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